Saturday, August 30, 2008

Santa Claus what?

Have you ever heard of a Santa Claus Melon??
I hadn't before. I saw this little guy in the produce dept. the other day, and figured, with a name like that, I've just got to try it out.
aaahhh! Now I get it. It's snow-white interior (ok, maybe not snow white) is the reason for the name.

Ok, but how does it taste?

It's pretty good. It has a very subtle cantaloupe flavor with a hint of melon. Not quite the same flavor as a honeydew.

11 thoughtful reactions:

kelly said...


Debi said...


Wow, never heard of that one either!

I love your blog name!!!

good reading!! I hope you don't mind... but I am collecting several of your recipes!! Thank you dear for sharing :D

Janiece said...

Popping in from "lene's blog...

so, do you eat it like a melon?
I will have to watch and see If I see one in our produce section

Janiece said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.
yea maybe TMI...but did you read the WAXING STORY...if not go back and read it!!!
Have a fantastic day!

Tracy said...

I was willing to give that one a try till you said the flavor-can't stand the stuff!

Hope you don't mind me popping in!

Anonymous said...
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April said...

I would think a melon with a delicious jelly interior should be called a "Santa Claus Melon." Well, maybe they'll make a "Santa Claus Doughnut"...

Funny stuff.

misty said...

just came across your blog - just wanted to say hi. i will be back. i like all your recipes & i need all the help i can get in the kitchen. i'm not very good, sad to say!

Shellie said...

I tried those too, they're pretty good! Hey, over on the Healthy Divas blog I'm trying out a new thing where we do a group challenge program. We are going to do it on healthy breakfasts and lunches. Check it out and see if you'd like to join in!

Unknown said...

Interesting! I like cantaloupe and Honey Dew, so if I ever see that, I'll give it a try!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)

Anonymous said...

crazzzy.. but i love melons so i would try it :) :)